Folio Society Limited Editions
All titles chosen to become Folio books are the finest in their genre and all are treated to extremely high production standards, but those selected for their Limited Editions Collections are, quite simply, exceptional. Great works of literature or history become great works of art.
For Limited Editions their production teams have leave to indulge their passion for exquisite materials and fine binding techniques which simply cannot be considered for longer book runs. Exceptional craftsmanship creates these highly collectable books – from and content perfectly married to produce a lasting legacy for generations to come.
The Hcbooksonline blog is a single source for a complete listing of Folio Society Limited Editions from the first one published in 1976 to the latest ones.
Find the full list at Folio Society Limited Editions Index
From the gold leaf on a richly illuminated manuscript to fine leather and vellum bindings, every detail of a Folio limited edition reveals the devotion of the artists and craftsmen who make them.
Find out more about the Folio Society at Folio Society Books
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