Latest Folio Society Arrivals
Just arrived 3 fine Folio Society collections;
The Second World War Winston Churchill 6 Vols Folio Society 2003
This can honestly be called the definitive edition, using the final English texts, completely reset in Ehrhardt type, printed on Caxton wove paper, profusely illustrated with photos & in-text maps. History of World War II from the top, being the personal account of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who many rightly regard as the greatest man of the 20th century. Volume titles; The Gathering Storm; Their Finest Hour; The Grand Alliance; The Hinge of Fate; Closing The Ring & Triumph and Tragedy. Six volumes in two dark brown titled slip-cases, with a monochrome photograph of Churchill on the front panel.
Thomas Hardy 6 Volume Boxed Set Folio Society 1993
Six of the most popular Hardy novels in one fine boxed set. The novels are : “Far From the Madding Crowd”, “Tess of the d’Urbervilles”, “The Mayor of Casterbridge”,” The Return of the Native”, The Trumpet Major” and “Under the Greenwood Tree”.
Somerset Maugham Collected Short Stories 4 Vols Folio Society 1998
A superb collection of seventy one short stories from one of the masters of this genre. Following the arrangement of Collected Short Stories first published by Pan Books Ltd. In 1975.
Just In…..
Rarely Seen Agatha Christie autobiography
I have just acquired a copy of the rarely seen The Mystery of Agatha Christie by Gwen Robyns in the Heron Books uniformly bound edition. This volume is available with the 41 volume Agatha Christie collection see below or individually see above.
Browse all my books at Hcbooksonline
I would like to purchase your copy of the heron bound copy of the mystery of agatha christie. Is this possible please
Kind regards
Neil hendry