Joseph Conrad Collection 21 Volumes

Joseph Conrad Collection 21 Volumes

Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski 1857–1924) was a Polish novelist. Conrad is regarded as one of the greatest novelists in English, though he did not speak the language fluently until he was in his twenties (and then always with a marked Polish accent). He wrote stories and novels, predominantly with a nautical or a seaboard setting, that depict trials of the human spirit by the demands of duty and honour. Writing in the heyday of the British Empire, Conrad drew upon his experiences in the French and later the British Merchant Navy to create short stories and novels that reflect aspects of a worldwide empire while also plumbing the depths of the human soul.

21 volumes, assumed to be a full set, Heron Books late 1960s.

‘Twixt Land & Sea;
Notes on Life & Letters;
A Set of Six;
The Rover;
The Arrow of Gold;
Under Western Eyes;
Almayer’s Folly;
An Outcast of the Islands;
The Mirror of the Sea;
Youth/Heart of Darkness;
The Inheritors & Plays;
The Rescue;
The Nigger of the Narcissus;
Lord Jim;
The Secret Agent;
The Shadow Line/Within the Tides.

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3 thoughts on “Joseph Conrad Collection 21 Volumes

  1. I have a full set in good condition of Joseph Conrad Medallion Edition 1925 published by The Gresham Publishing Company. I am interested to sell for a fair price the full set.

  2. I have a full set in good condition of the heron complete works of Joseph Conrad (21 volumes). How would you be prepared to offer?

    1. Always interested in Heron Books, I have sent your reply by email.

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