Folio Society Uniformly Bound Collections – Fiction
Over the years the Folio Society have produced a number of uniformly bound author collections, some of which have individual slipcases and some of which have multiple volumes one slipcase or more. Just click on the author’s name for a detailed description of what the Folio Society have published for your favourite author. (Detailed descriptions being added daily)
This list is a work in progress and I have started from the top and am working my way to the bottom so if the detailed breakdown is not yet available please be patient and I will post it as time permits.
If you are in a rush to confirm a particular author then please email me on and I will send you what details I have on that author.
I also welcome any suggestions or amendments.
Adams, Douglas (5 Volumes)
Asimov, Isaac (3 Volumes)
Austen, Jane (7 Volumes)
Bronte, Charlotte, Emily and Anne
Buchan, John
Carroll, Lewis
Chandler, Raymond
Chekhov, Anton
Christie, Agatha
Collins, Wilkie
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
Conrad, Joseph
Cooper, Susan
Crossley-Holland, Kevin
Dahl, Raold
Dickens, Charles
Dumas, Alexander
Durrell, Lawrence
Eliot, George
Fielding, Henry
Fleming, Ian
Forster, E M
Galsworthy, John
Gaskell, Mrs Elizabeth
Graves, Robert
Greene, Grahame
Hardy, Hardy
Hemingway, Ernest
Kafka, Franz
Kipling, Rudyard
Lang, Andrew
Lawrence, D H
Le Carre, John
Lewis, C S
Madox Ford, Ford
Milne, A A
Mitford, Nancy
Nesbit, Edith
Orwell, George
Peake, Mervyn
Potter, Beatrix
Powell, Anthony
Proust, Marcel
Pullman, Philip
Ransome, Arthur
Renault, Mary
Sassoon, Siegfried
Sayers, Dorothy L
Scott, Paul
Shakespeare, William
Stevenson, R L
Surtees, R S
Tolkien, J R R
Trollope, Anthony
Twain, Mark
Waugh, Evelyn
Wells, H G
Wilde, Oscar
Wodehouse, P G
Woolf, Virginia